Sign of the times. You just don't see these anymore. Mr. John Platt had this sign. I really think it came off of his Father's grocery store in Sheldon. Carmen was cleaning out the shed after
Mr. John passed away. She called Don to help her move some things & throw them away. She asked Don if he wanted the sign. We had the sign
hanging on the outside wall of the pool house. We took it down to paint the pool house and still have not hung it up again. I think its a cool sign.
COOL! I love the old vintage Coca Cola stuff. I'm sure I could find a spare nail around here if you don't get it back up soon! LOL.
I have one just like that one. I bought it at a yard sale months ago for $1.00. I need to hang mine up too. I think it's under my bed gathering dust. LOL
Very cool and even cooler that it was Mr. John's and came off of MaMa Plats old store..Right in downtown Sheldon!
Don't let Big Eric see that sign! It may accidentally disappear! LOL
That's really neat! I never knew the story behind that sign! Some of my wedding photos have that sign in the back drop! Real romantic huh?
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