As promised here is Ginny. This is her story. Two years ago she came up to our house as a tiny little kitten. It was Memorial Day week-end. Miles & a couple of his friends from school were home. They were shooting the gun @ targets in the woods. Ginny came walking right up to them. I got home from work and there was a little kitten sitting on the steps. Well here is my theory about everything. MeMaw died in March the same year. I said I felt like Ginny was an angel sent to comfort me. I missed MeMaw so much. In these pictures she was stalking a bird. Lucky for the bird it was smart & took off. This is one of her favorite spots to hang out. I wonder why?
Great post, love the sequence. Ginny is so cute she's a great subject for your post. You have such great stories!!! Guess you get that gene from your dad! You will need to remeber all his stories, so you can one day pass them down!!
Sweet Memories! We all need comfort glad Ginny is there to give ya some! And Great Pictures.
AWWW!! I wonder where she came from! I guess like you said, she must be an angel sent to comfort you! And to give you a few laughs too, it looks like.
Watch out birds, Ginny is on the prey!!!
Awww...I love kitty's but I am married to a man that hates them. So needless to say I don't have one.Ginny looks like an angel to me.
I guess she gave up on the bird and casually decided to get a drink instead. Ginny is a beautifully marked cat. Sweet baby.
She's a very pretty kitty, Miss Ginny. I'm not much of a cat person, but I have been known to grow attached to one or two in my lifetime.
Riley had a kitty not too long ago. Mom has brought home ALL sorts of animals since Riley's birth. It is like she has this weird desire to be a zoo keeper!! Anyway, the kitty's name was Grapefruit. Why? Because right after we got him, Riley sprayed him down with some grapefruit deodorizer, and the poor thing smelled like a big hairy citrus fruit! Grapefruit sounded appropriate enough for a name considering....
Is this the same one that took a ride on your car??
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