Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mushroom Stick

Yesterday I found this stick in the front yard.
I know I have done mushrooms before. However I thought this was quite odd, mushrooms on a stick. Sounds almost edible doesn't it?


Brewton Girl said...

Great Shrooms! Very unusual!

Judy said...

That's weird..wonder what kind of stick that is?

Maybe Miles can make a dish to honor your find..

AmyWhit said...

throw that stick on the grill and invite us over! LOL. That is very odd looking for sure. Riley would love to come across one of those special sticks. I'm sure he'd be bringing it inside to keep. lol.

Anonymous said...

I say give it to Miles and see what delicacy he can create out of the mushroom stick!

Shelia said...

Now how funny is that! Really different! I like different. LOL

Heather said...

My boys would probably want to frame a stick like that! Then they would use it as a magical spell spinning sword that would turn all my cats into toads. I love how a stick can have so many uses in their world.