What comes to mind when I think of Faith? I think of Jesus dying on the cross for me. The blood that he shed for me. He lives in my heart. My Solid Rock. One of my favorite scriptures Proverbs 3 : 4 & 5 shown above. The Solid Rock song says it all. My Faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.
For me too! Jusus is always the same when nothing eles is... Great job.
Hope He can laugh when I can not type His name correctly.LOL
Lol that's okay Jesus never commanded us to be perfect spellers...I agree as well...he is constant and steadfast.
Great job Cindy! I agree with all you said. I love the first picture of the bible verse.
Great job, Cindy! I see you're getting creative with your photo editing software! You go, girl! I'm late posting mine tonight, but I DID do it!!! I nearly forgot though!
Love your photo editing!!! I need to get a little better with mine! Love your verse! Good job!!!
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