This is our trip down to the Keys. We experienced a few difficulties on the way down there. First the tire
on the boat trailer blew out. Then about 17 miles later the truck started smoking. We went to Fort Pierce to a Goodyear place. The truck was repaired. While we were waiting (as only girls can do) Jessica & I made the best of a bad situation. We went across the street and had a pedicure. The picture of our feet is at the end of the week. We had been in a lot
of sand and water.
Oh, I do hate bad things when you are traveling. You just got to roll with it. I think the pedicure was a great idea!
Hey..I like your thinking make the best of a bad situation, pamper yourself.
Sorry about your trouble..glad you got there and back safe.
LMAO! Ok, I like this post the best. What better way to wait on a truck repair???
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