Saturday, July 28, 2007

Look of Love

I couldn't think of a picture to post. So I used this one. It is from Jessica's Mom's wedding this May. She was a Bridesmaid. And you know the gentleman. He has since cut his hair for work. They are both my FAVORITE people.


AmyWhit said...

I know Miles, though it has been a loooong time since I've been around him much. I don't know Jessica, but from all the things you've said she sure does sound like a sweetheart! They make a very cute couple! Nice picture of young love!

Shelia said...

This is a keeper Cindy. I LOVE mushy photos!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, I love the way they are looking at each other. So glad you approve.

Judy said...

OMG This can not be! Not our Baby Milesie!!!

Miles and Jessica look so sweet together... and it sounds like she fits right in...that is a real blessing.

jamie said...

AWWWW!!! So what does the future hold??????? You know someone had to ask!!! I can't believe that Miles is old enough to have a real profession!!! Not that I am that much older!!!LOL.

It is good that she is one of your favorite people...Sounds like a good relationship!!