Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Natures Beauty

Just so you know I can grow some plants. These are in my yard. Does anyone know what the flower in the last picture is? Nancy Shouse the famous grower of all things do you know?
It grows on a tree. I think it is some sort of Hibiscus. Nancy Smith planted all of these plants years ago.
I know I,m way behind in my posts. Due to Dr. appointments for Dad & Janet & many other circumstances. But just wait to see all that I have ready for my future posts.
I'm sending out lots of love & prayers today for my girl Catherine.


Judy said...

Beautiful Cindy! My grandmother called them "Alphia" I've heard them called "Rose of Sharon" but I'm sure it is in the hibiscus family. They grow like crazy and I have lots of small ones all the time if anyone wants some.

Anonymous said...

Love the flowers, I bet the look good with all the color contrats.

AmyWhit said...

Beautimous! I can't grow a thing...or maybe it's because I don't try!

I was just giving you a hard time about the posts! Can't wait to see what all you have in store for us! I'm in a bit of a rut, unfortunately.

Shelia said...

Thank you for the prayers Cindy. They were heard!

Knock out color! They look so Hawaiian! Nice job!

jamie said...

I think they look hibiscusish too! But what do I know. They are very beautiful!! It does look like your very own Sheldon HAWAII!! I bet it feels as hot as HI right now!! We could use some of that heat!LOL