O.K. you people are going to think all I do is eat. Well you are right! Two chefs around the house what else do you do? Jessica called and said I'm cooking dinner. She cooked shrimp, Scallops and grits. The dessert was Peach crisp. As always DELICIOUS! The pictures speak for themselves.
Food is always good. Looks wonderful. they can always stop by my house ya know..it's right on the way..
O.K. I want to know if your chefs are for rent, of maybe even adotion! Shrip dish souds like heaven. YUM! And how do you stay so skinny?????
It looks delicious. I'm thinking I'd like to meet this Jessica! Maybe she should start a blog of her own and offer us up some recipes!
Any dishes without seafood? LOL I bet it was great! It looks great!
You know I am usually really hungry by the time I get to blog! Your blogs don't help anything. I think I will gain weight just looking at them!!
I will definitely have to go try that restaurant out when we come home!! Maybe we could all go together!! That would be fun!
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