Friday, November 9, 2007

Beautiful Rose

Every year for Mother's Day we all buy roses for Mom's little garden. Anita usually does the planting. The other day I saw this one in the garden. I think it has the prettest colors. A rose is a rose by no other name. Is that saying correct????


Judy said...

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" meaning it matters not what you call the rose (or anything for that matter) it would still smell sweet..

It's from ...I think Romeo and a poem either he or she says..but I'm not sure..

Love the pink and yellow together!

Anonymous said...

That is a beauty, so gloriuos to be blessed with one like that. God in all His abundant giving, let's us see the best!

Nancy S. said...

That is a pretty color. I have never seen a rose that wasn't pretty.

AmyWhit said...

oooh, very pretty! nice color combo on that rose.

Shelia said...

I agree, definately a beautiful rose! We've planted a rose bush for each of our children. It's special every time they bloom!